Friday, May 11, 2012

The noise makes me sick

 So apparently, a person can’t leave a party walk a bit and chill out without his friends at the party becoming paranoid, worrying that they’ve gone emo and might hurt themselves, and end up  all driving to where they are and ruining a tranquil moment. Let me explain.

Earlier this evening, or last evening depending on when I post this, was the drama banquet. I enjoyed almost all of it up until the end. Two juniors went up and gave their speeches on what the graduating seniors meant to them. Or tried to, it ended being more “here’s how they’ve affected me, so let me talk about me”. I still liked the talks though, and went up to ask the seniors if they wanted any to giving a parting speech about their favorite moments, talk about how it’s impacted them,  and give a few encouraging words to the juniors and sophomores. Unfortunately, by the time I got up to the front, someone else was in control trying to wrap things up, and the room was full of noise.

I truly hate noise.

I still persisted though, and managed to get one senior to make a speech, but it took forever for people to take notice of what he was doing and pay attention. For the record, he did give an excellent speech, and I really wish some other seniors would have followed his example, but that hope wasn’t fulfilled. Again people started make their noise, trying to be overheard over everyone else’s noise,  before they all shuffled out to clean the cafeteria, and hear the results of the election for new drama committee members. I’m one of the ones elected. After the "winners" were announced, we were huddled into a small circle where one of the previous members talked about what happens. Again, we were close to a bonding moment, and again someone came in and shattered the mood, again by being loud, trying to say something no-one was interested in, and we all just left for someones party.

Walking there was oddly nice. Even with two normally hyper people, it was still pretty chill, and it was a nice small quiet bonding time reflecting the night's events. When we got there, it was still pretty chill, we messed around a bit in the backyard playing on swings, a playground, and a trampoline. After a bit of this, we sort of all stopped, laid down on the trampoline, and started playing a game of truth or dare. While not really liking this game, I still partook because I really wanted a good bonding time with people that night for some reason. Turns out I didn't have to worry about getting a turn in because after five minutes, the same thing happened again. Three people interrupted, didn't care about the mood in place, and shattered it with shouts of things that didn't need to be heard. All of the useless thoughts forced out at once resulted in more noise.

Since I hate noise, I went inside. It was only me and two other people who were just scrolling through looking for something to watch. They ended up trying to introduce me to a certain comedian. Not even fifteen seconds into his routine did everyone decide to come into the house and fill it with noise, noise that blocked out what the comic was saying.

It was at this point that I said "Screw this party, screw this noise, I'm going to find someplace quieter to be and chill out". My first plan was try and go over to a good friends house, but he did not quite interpret what I was saying, or needing, so it didn't happen. So I just left. I talked to the person who was my ride saying I was going out for a bit, and walked straight of the house. I went to this nice little spot where there is a bridge over gently rolling water, a nice view of the stars, and occasionally some birds chirping. Essentially the one spot in this town that is tranquil. 

Once I get there, I call my ride, tell her where I am, and say "Pick me up when you want to". What I did not know is that she is extremely paranoid and comes to the worst conclusions almost automatically. So, about five minutes later, everyone from the party shows up scared out of their minds about how I am and what happened. More noise.

So much for my tranquility.

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